Sunday, 17 July 2011

Nitha Nava, Actress/ Model/ TV Host/ Director/ M.C.

Nitha Nava, a spokesperson and role model for many young women within her community as well as around the world, leads off with one phrase, "That you don't have to be something your not. That if you can believe it you can achieve it, just hold true to your self." Powerful words from this young woman, who just held true to herself and her community. Through out her career as not only as a fashion model, actor, director, but as well as a television personality on the Tamil One TV network, she has been able to achieve so much in her life and believes that the sky is not the limit... 

Recently she sat down with Faith N Conviction to give a brief insight into her life. Enjoy. 

(pause music to the upper-right)

Photos by Paul & Will Photography
For more info on Nitha check out her fan page on Facebook:

Jewellery by Stone & Shadow

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Lovina Yavari, Freelance Artist/ Professional SFX Make-Up Artist/ Actress/ Radio Personality/ Cosplayer

Introducing femme fatale Lovina Yavari, by far the hottest nerd I have ever met! She does 
practically everything that is considered awesome: inking comic books; graffiti; replicating 
Star Wars weapons(!), and that's just the tip of the iceberg with this one. Learn more about 
Lovina in our interview:

(pause music to the upper-right)

Digital Artistry by J.R. Arts, Costume & Photo by Rob Emery
Photo by Rixin Wang
Photo by Shanti Frater, MUA by Natka Solar, Costume Concept by Lovina Yavari
Costume & Photo by Rob Emery, Digital Artistry by Vampyriccadence
Photo by Grant Jones

Photo by Paul & Will Photography

Check Lovina's Facebook fan page for more pics: